One For Todd Lane
A Christmas Gift For A Friend
“A collection of folk songs, played for the most part, off the cuff, sloppy and not exactly overburdened with talent. Now laid up with cancer, Todd can certainly use the cash. But most of all, giving the music a listen will put a smile on the old grinch’s face. ”
—Jessica Anne Taylor, Client
Make a donation and get the album …
Donate via Go Fund Me and we’ll get a download code to you in the next day or so.
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Via Bandcamp.

The Christmas Videos Extravagonzo!
A full hour of peculiar holiday cheer.
An update on Todd Lane
Yes, he’s alive and there’s cause for a bit of hope this Christmas.
On The Christmas Videos
Answering the burning questions … why we did them, why do I drink so much in them and will there be any more?
A Brief History Of The Friday Night Drifters
A brief history of the most obscure and one of the longest running bands in southern Illinois. Betcha didn’t know that!
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